In 2020, the Interwoven team designed and facilitated a multi-week Black/Asian solidarity workshop series. The overarching question of the series was: how can we, as Black and Asian people living in the U.S., see our struggles and liberation, as deeply interconnected?
In this facilitator guide we have included five workshop agendas for folks interested in hosting a Black/Asian solidarity series within their own communities. The agendas are basic outlines with examples of experiential activities for each session. We have also included a resource list at the end with some readings and templates that may be useful. The agendas are organized as follows:
INTERWOVEN art + culture
INTERWOVEN histories
INTERWOVEN resources​
The activities in this guide are suggestions, but many components are customizable and may need to be adjusted based on the needs of your specific group. For example, you might decide to facilitate your series in person, which may require different materials. You also might decide to focus on what Black/Asian solidarity looks like within a specific context (i.e. abolitionist organizing, addressing climate change and US imperialism, organizing students in Philadelphia, etc). You are invited and encouraged to take what is useful and infuse your own experiences, stories, activities, and brilliance.
*We recognize that “Black” and “Asian” are imperfect terms that are used to describe many different peoples, cultures, histories, languages, and experiences. In this facilitator guide and zine we use these terms to encompass a range and diversity of identities: Black, African American, multiracial Black and Asian, West Asian, Central Asian, South Asian, Southeast Asian, East Asian, Pacific Islander, and more.